Alert Page - Previous Month

The usage for the previous month (November) is 15% above or below the average of the last three years for the same month for the following accounts.


Name Avg Elec Usage (kWh) Elec Usage (kWh) Difference (%)
Drainage, 5838 Down Rd 1,647.64 2,482.28 51
Sanitary Pump Station, 3882 ... 7,318.03 9,247.52 26
Sanitary Pump Station, 1772 ... 423.72 507.72 20
Gamma Community Hall 2,843.73 2,345.40 -18
Drainage, 2721 Slope Ave 559.19 430.82 -23
PRV Station, 5892 Chi Ave 2,991.72 2,095.71 -30
PRV Station, 3895 Tau St 1,951.95 1,125.93 -42

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Name Avg Gas Usage (GJ) Gas Usage (GJ) Difference (%)
Works Yard 170.95 248.11 45
Iota Library 18.43 25.76 40
Zeta Fire Hall 13.97 17.48 25
Kappa Library & Community Ce... 111.07 138.22 24
Lambda Library 58.91 47.95 -19
Gamma Community Hall 66.77 50.24 -25
Delta Community Hall 108.41 66.95 -38
Epsilon Fire Hall 18.21 9.93 -45

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